Sunday, February 19, 2006

Not in Gibbs I.

Boy, Obelisk Press, Paris, 1936

My dad was a big fan of James Hanley's books and for the last decade I've been working on improving the collection he began in the 70's. It's a huge bunch of books now and about as good as it's likely to get, so it's going off to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto where it will join his Powys collection.

I thought I might use the blog to list some of the titles that we both managed to get that do not appear in his excellent bibliography by Linnea Gibbs.

The first is Gibbs' ghost, a variant edition of A6h, the Obelisk Press, Paris first edition of Boy printed in 1936. Gibbs found reference to its publication in the Bib. Nat. Catalogue, but thought it "was probably not published". Well... Here it is.

Title page